How Rare Are Vvs Diamonds in This World?

Diamonds have a grading and valuation system that involves cut, carat, color, and clarity. VVS diamonds rank first in clarity.

You may be wondering what the clarity of a diamond means. Clarity is determined by imperfections, scratches and mineral deposits inside or on the diamond’s surface. You’ve also heard that VVS diamonds are very rare and want to know why. These diamonds have microscopic inclusions that cannot be detected even at 10x magnification.

In this post, we will learn about VVS diamonds and why they are so rare. You’ll leave with a wealth of knowledge about VVS diamonds.

VVS Diamond Definition

In 1940, the Gemological Institute of America invented the diamond grading system and named it the 4Cs. This approach has become a mainstay of the global diamond trade. The 4Cs stand for color, cut, carat, and clarity. We are interested in clarity drills because VVS diamonds are centered on clarity. VVS simply means “very, very slightly contained”.

This means that this type of diamond contains trace inclusions that require the use of a powerful microscope to see. VVS diamonds are among the 11 clarity grades in the world. In another classification, VVS contains a large number of tiny inclusions that have zero impact on the overall appearance of the diamond.

VVS diamonds are divided into two subcategories, which include: VVS 1 and VVS 2. I think VVS 1 is clean to the naked eye, and even if you zoom in 10x, it is difficult to see its contents.

This is the most valuable VVS diamond. VVS2, on the other hand, has traces of inclusions visible under the microscope. While they are also considered clean, they rank slightly below VVS1.

Are VVS Real Diamonds?

Yes, they are. These are 100% real diamonds that are very expensive and valuable. The inclusions on these diamonds are usually inconsequential, but they are valuable.

These inclusions can be internally textured, cloudy, feathery, or needle-like. These are not the most valuable diamonds as we have flawless and internally flawless categories. Still, they rank third, which makes them very valuable.

How Rare Are VVS Diamonds?

These diamonds cannot be considered extremely rare. They can be said to be slightly rarer compared to their counterparts in the lower grades.

This does not mean that they are easy to find; It means they’re easy to find. No, they’re not entirely impossible to find, but they’re not everywhere.

You may have a hard time finding them in the market compared to lower-grade products, and when you find them, you’ll likely pay more than other more common tiers. Clarity grades are generally rare, accounting for only 15% of all diamonds in the world.

Why Are VVS Diamonds Considered Rare?

Diamonds with little or no inclusions are considered rare. We now know that it contains a small amount of VVS, making it a rare clarity diamond grade.

When we put them in the same proportion as lower diamond grades, VVS leads in terms of rarity. However, they are not entirely impossible to come across, and they are not the highest grade diamonds we mentioned earlier.

For example, if you see an “I” clarity diamond and think VVS clarity is just as usable as the former, you’re very wrong. However, if you put Flawless on the same clarity grade as VVS, you’ll find that the latter is more usable than the former.

Advantages and Disadvantages of VVS Diamonds

Everything in the sun has a good side and a bad side, and diamonds are no exception. Let’s start with the good news.


The prestige that VVS brings is only comparable to FL clarity diamonds. VVS diamonds are very close to top clarity diamonds, and we all know the importance of diamonds when it comes to prestige.

You don’t have to pay much to get a diamond that is close to the highest ranking. Sound good?

Another advantage of VVS is that it looks flawless to the naked eye. The only people who can break your illusions are trained jewelers, and even then they need high-resolution microscopes.

VVS inclusions are not visible even at 10x magnification. You will most likely receive compliments on the clarity of your diamonds.

Finally, VVS diamonds are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Unlike lower-grade diamonds, which limit their design and shape due to the visibility of inclusions, VVS diamonds allow creativity because inclusions can never be seen with the naked eye.


VVS diamonds, on the other hand, are expensive. These will bankrupt you. However, if you don’t have a budget, this shouldn’t be a problem.

If you’re financially strapped for money, consider a lower-grade diamond; They are still diamonds, and they are still good. Also, there is not much noticeable difference between VVS and other cheaper lower grades.

This is really regrettable, but there is no other way to express it. Unless you show your VVS diamonds to a professional jeweler, the average person will only treat them as any other diamond.

They will still be in awe of people who dress lower than you. The only people who can realize the value of your VVS are trained people and you.

Experts also warn about the resale value of VVS diamonds. Like any other retail product, VVS diamonds cannot be classified as investments.

These are luxurious jewels that are very valuable only to the wearer. Clarity diamonds have a lower resale value; It is less likely that you will sell your VVS at a higher price than the purchase price.

Are VVS Diamonds Worth It?

Absolutely! The luxury of owning VVS diamonds is unparalleled. Although they are expensive compared to low grades, they are still good compared to high grades such as Flawless. Some people may think that you are dressed flawlessly.

Again, VVS looks clean. This means that their light is unimpeded. Although the sparkle of a diamond is determined by the cut, the presence of impurities may interfere with it. If you’re wondering if they’re worth the money, the answer is yes.

Should You Buy VVS Diamonds?

If you have money, why not? There is no denying that VVS diamonds are stunning and the elegance they bring to any occasion is unparalleled.

However, if you’re on a tight budget, consider a lower grade. They are equally sparkling and exude the same elegance. Diamonds are still valuable regardless of grade, so don’t break the bank to get an unaffordable grade.

The biggest advantage of VVS is that the clarity seen with the naked eye is almost comparable to flawlessness. This clarity is different from other lower grade diamonds.

In short, whether or not to buy a VVS diamond depends on personal preference, but if you have doubts about buying because of the quality, then you should know that VVS diamonds rank high in the clarity ranking.


VVS diamonds are popular with diamond lovers. They are perfect for rings and other jewelry. As we mentioned earlier, the 11 gemstone clarity grades represent only 15% of all diamonds mined globally.

This means that VVS and other clarity grades are rare. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a diamond’s clarity can be determined with the naked eye. You’ve probably seen jewelers pick up a microscope and wonder what they’re looking for. Now you know they are looking for the clarity of a diamond.

If you appreciate a valuable item, even if it is difficult to be noticed by others, then VVS diamonds may be the best choice for you.

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