4 Little-Known Side Effects of Wearing Malachite Jewelry

Malachite is one of the most gorgeous green pieces of jewelry and one of the most sought-after crystals for those looking for a stunning statement gemstone to incorporate into their favorite jewelry.

Although the different shades of green make it one of the most popular gemstones, malachite is very rare and expensive. These characteristics also make malachite a highly regarded top gemstone. But it’s not perfect.

This naturally rough green gemstone sometimes has a velvety or fibrous surface and should be handled with care as some of its effects may be unwanted which is why this article is dedicated to addressing the side effects of malachite.

But before we know everything about malachite, how about we first take a look at some of the basic elements of this stone?

Malachite Basics

First of all, malachite is a green gemstone made from copper hydroxide. It is green because it is mostly made of copper – originally mined for copper ore. But it is not the hardest copper compound gemstone on the market as it has a hardness rating (Mohs) between 3.5 and 4.

Although it is no longer a huge source of copper, malachite cut and polished in different shapes and sizes is fairly common in today’s jewelry industry, and more and more people are choosing this stone because of its known metaphysical benefits.

The Positive Effect of Wearing Malachite

1. Malachite is connected to the throat chakra and heart chakra, and wearing malachite jewelry ensures a balance between the two. Malachite’s connection to the heart chakra will make you more loving – you will love yourself unconditionally and allow others to show you their affection.

On the other hand, malachite’s connection to the throat chakra means that it will be easier for you to speak your mind, easily speak and have your own truth.

2. It also clears negative emotions.

3. If put with money, it can increase your wealth.

What Are the Negative Effects of Malachite?

Malachite is imperfect. In this section, we will share all the tips you should know about malachite side effects.

1. It may be toxic to the human body

Due to the high copper content in malachite, this gemstone can cause copper poisoning, especially during processing. Handlers/gem cutters must wear full protective gear to avoid ingesting or inhaling malachite particles while cutting and polishing.

When ingested, inhaled, or in contact with the skin, copper particles can accumulate in the body, causing long-term health problems. Therefore, be sure to wear goggles, masks, and globes when working gemstones involving malachite.

2. Decomposition in case of water

In addition to being relatively soft, malachite also decomposes after prolonged exposure to water. Copper compounds decompose in water, and when this happens, you should not touch malachite with your bare hands.

Water should not be drunk in areas with malachite. Due to the high copper content of malachite, it can cause long-term damage to health if ingested in its presence in water. The good news is that copper toxicity is rare, and if you are in contact with copper for too long, you may only suffer long-term effects.

In most cases, short-term exposure to copper is not dangerous because the body works to eliminate excess or unnecessary copper. However, copper poisoning can occur if exposed for a long time, and you may develop liver failure or death.

3. The skin appears green discoloration

Once the thin film coating on the malachite starts to wear out, you may notice some green discoloration on your skin. This also happens because of the presence of copper in malachite and these copper compounds seep into your skin, causing green discoloration.

The good news is that there’s nothing to worry about with this discoloration, and your skin will return to normal after a few hours or days – you can simply wash the affected area with warm water and some mild soap.

To prevent recurrence, avoid wearing the jewelry for a long time or applying a thin layer of clear polish to the jewelry.

4. Health problems

Malachite can lead to chromosomal breaks, mutations, cancer, teratogenicity, and even respiratory problems if exposed to malachite for a long time, especially if the gemstone is exposed to temperature fluctuations.


This gorgeous gemstone is not perfect and can pose problems in the long run. However, malachite jewelry is safe to wear because it is processed and has a protective film that prevents copper from coming into contact with you.

But to be on the safe side, you should not wear or touch raw malachite or if malachite gemstones break – usually, broken or unprocessed pieces emit toxic fumes, which is harmful to your health and you need to be careful.

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